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  • nelliegoshornpipk

The Effects of Prescription Drugs Abuse

When people visit a doctor, they are usually given prescription drugs to treat their illness. In some cases this prescribed drugs can be abused, by taking them for longer than prescribed. Prescription drug abuse can be then described as the using prescribed drugs by a doctor in a method that it was not meant to. It can also include the use of someone else prescribed drugs. Prescription drugs abuse affects no specific age group but rather affects all. The abuse can start out as a way to treat an illness, as a way to relax, to improve concentration, to keep awake for long hours, reduce or increase appetite then end up abusing the prescribed drugs to keep experiencing the effect and in the long run one gets addicted. The symptoms may include: heartbeats that are irregular, high blood pressure, paranoia, agitation among others. The effects of prescription drugs abuse include the discussed below, but not limited to the discussed.

The most common effect is the financial difficulties. This occurs due to the lack of prioritization, the only thing that one wants to use their money on is the purchase of the drug. An addiction to the prescribed drug makes the user hooked to it and require a continuous supply. Over sleeping or lack of sleep is another effect of prescription drugs abuse. Depending on the user one can have insomnia or sleep for many hours. Sometimes this effect can make the user consume other drugs to deal with insomnia or over sleeping.

Confusion is also another effect of prescription drugs abuse effect. It is usually a short term effect and usually becomes more complex with the abuse. An abuser of prescribed drugs usually has suicidal thoughts. They normally have guilt, depressed and unwanted and therefore have no meaning to their life. Financial struggles caused by the abuse can also cause suicidal thoughts because they have debts that they cannot settle. Personal hygiene becomes unimportant to them. They mostly end up not caring about physical up keep because their major concern is access to the prescribed drugs. They become caught up with their drug need they forget to take care of themselves.

Prescription drug abuse can have the effect of anxiety to the user. Most of the people that abuse prescribed drugs appear worried or uneasy most if not all the time. Extensive use of the prescribed drugs abuse can cause memory loss. They tend to forget things very fast, their brain function is affected and cannot remember events as well as they would before. Some prescribed drugs can cause high blood pressure like some stimulants. Learn more here at this link:

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